
Difficulty: intermediate

The Eadd9 chord is a type of extended chord that's built with the notes E, G#, B, and F#. It's an E major chord (E, G#, B) with an added major ninth (F#), which is the same as the 2nd note in the E major scale.

Here are the steps to construct it:

Start with an E Major chord, which is comprised of the notes E, G#, and B.

Then, add the major ninth note, F#, which gives you an Eadd9 chord (E, G#, B, F#).

So the Eadd9 chord, containing the notes E, G#, B, and F#, adds a sense of brightness and tension to your music due to the added F#, which extends the harmonic range of the traditional E major chord.

E Major


Take a look below at several good Eadd9 shapes to practice
